Blue Moon Perfume
Blue Moon Perfumes and herbal products have been created to harmonize the spirit, balance the being, and bring a remembrance of the essential beauty of life. Blue Moon has been creating peerless products since 1992; if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then we have been highly flattered since then!
Northern California Coastal Products

Fine Art by Alwyn
Alwyn can create art
that’s uniquely yours!

Alwyn L’hoir
Blue Moon’s Designer
Alwyn has been a professional psychic for more than 40 years.
She has used her working knowledge of subtle bodies to create these fine products.
Blue Moon Farm

Blue Moon Farm, a solar-powered cooperative, resides in the Mendocino highlands, near the Northern California coast. Our herbs are organically grown or responsibly wildcrafted. Where possible, our imported oils are organic. We use no synthetics in the crafting of our products, everything is as nature intended. We believe in, practice, and counsel a responsible stewardship of our Mother Earth.